24 November 2010

Curly Endive, Pear and Blue Cheese salad

As I sauntered through the fruit and vegetable store.... there's a place near Pape subway that allegedly is a 24hr fruit and veg store (I say allegedly 'cause I've never tried to procure a carrot at 3 a.m.)... Regardless, I was in that store and I saw a bunch of endive. 

It looked like this

Now this is curly endive
not belgian endive
Friséenor frisée
(now frisée is just baby curly endive)

Anyway, I bought it to make a salad.  Which salad you may ask...

Endive, Pear, Blue cheese salad.
  • Tear up your curly endive into bite-sized pieces
  • Wash thoroughly and sprinkly with salt and a little bit of sugar (it's a bit bitter but the sweetness from a little sugar and the pear really work on it)
  • Slice up your pear and either leave in slices or chop down to matchsticks
  • Sprinkle pear on endive
  • Crumble up some blue cheese
  • Sprinkle on salad
  • Drizzle some olive oil
  • Take a fork, use chopsticks, fingers work also and eat it
Damn, this is so good.  The endive is a bitter green when it's raw but with the sweetness of the pear and the sharpness of the blue cheese and it's held by the olive oil.  Damn this is good.  Go get some.

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