15 November 2010

Jicama Crab Salad

Came across a Jicama in the local gocery store.  It was located along side the equally odd looking but delicious Celeriac.  The Jicama is also a root vegetable looking potato-ish.  It has a pretty tough skin so I went at it with a paring knife since the peeler wasn't up to it.

The Jicama.

Once the flesh was revealed I cut it up into 1/2" x 1/2" bite sized sticks.  It has a very crunch texture and a slightly sweet flavour like apple but not as sweet but really really crunchy.  I decided to turn it into a salad (I also made a hash out of them, but the salad was better)

What you need
Jicama (sliced into sticks)
Carrot (peeled into ribbons)
Celery (chopped into chunks)
Crab (I prefer the Pollock flavoured Crab as the Crab flavoured Pollock is far too common)
Salt and Pepper
dash of Cayenne (or some dried ground Chipotle)

Mix it up in a bowl.  I dolloped this creamy mess onto a small bed of baby spinach.  Everything stays nice and crunchy and the Jicama adds a different texture and flavour.  Would I go running out and buying every one I can get my hands on - no.  But if I do come across it again, I know what it has to offer.

Whenever I see a vegetable I've never eaten before, I've got to get it and try it out.

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